GREATER MSP Partnership is a private nonprofit organization dedicated to providing public and private sector leadership, coordination and engagement to grow the economy of the 16-County Minneapolis St. Paul region. The organization is a partnership of more than 4,500 individuals from over 300 businesses, universities, cities, counties and philanthropies who partner to accelerate the inclusive growth of the regional economy.  

GREATER MSP desired to engage its employees and provide an elevated, inclusive environment to host clients from across the world. The organization relocated to a new office on the 19th floor of the Osborn370 Building in downtown St. Paul. The space provides 360° expansive views of the city’s skyline, Mississippi River and surrounding areas, creating the perfect backdrop to tell the region’s success story to potential investors and supporters.  

With navy hues grounding the space and pops of bright color accenting collaborative spaces throughout the office, the design reflects the sophisticated and energetic mission of the organization. Private offices were moved to the interior office core to allow daylight to flood  every corner of the office. Focus huddle rooms, booths and collaborative zones equipped with flexible seating options encourage employees to connect or seek out an environment that best supports their work.

The organization’s new office provides a space to host clients and guests from across the globe and creates a collaborative, engaging workplace for  employees.